Wines of Substance

Wines of Substance is the largest winemaker-owned winery and the fourth largest wine producer in Washington State. It is also the thirty-third largest winery in the country. Covering almost every noble grape varietal in the world, the brands under the Wines of Substance family include K Vintners, Substance, ViNO CasaSmith, SIXTO, and B.Leighton. While Charles puts nothing physically in his wines except the grapes, he is focusing all efforts on pouring even more heart into his wines in hopes of communicating even more of what makes him and his wines so unique. Simply stated, Charles wants more in his wines. More of the intangible wonders of life... passion, natural beauty, tradition, goodness, rock ‘n’ roll, heartache, tenderness, love, laughter, life, and thankfulness. With that kind of vision, the future looks exciting and the possibilities are endless.

(509) 526-5230


Bledsoe Family Winery


Maison Bleue